It is my goal to share any ideas that will make using Raster Design easier & more productive.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tag... You're it!!!

There's this thing going around where CAD people are playing tag. I've been taged by R. K. McSwain.

Let's see if I can come up with 5 things you guys don't know about me.
1. I graduated from high school with the dream of becoming a nurse. Wait a minute! I normally follow the tracks of my brothers. None of the three brothers are nurses. What's this all about? One works for a municipal electric company as a crew chief. One is a rancher. One teaches high school drafting & computer applications. I'm going to nursing school?
2. Nursing school started out as all books. Not working for me, so I go into electronics repair at a tech school. One of the classes was drafting for electronics. That's a little closer to where one brothers is working. The drafting teacher let me borrow his drafting table. I fell in love with drafting. I finished the training in electronics while starting a minor (in a tech school?) in drafting.
3. Electronics training & gender got me a job as an instrument tech in a suture factory. They wanted a female in a predominantly male profession for the job. I went in with a chip on my shoulder to do a job with serious training & ended up doing work an 8 year old could do. Boring, not happening.
4. Ended up moving back to Mom's house where there is no job market. Nothing better to do, so I become a volunteer firefighter. The fire department paid my way through EMT school, landing me doing work at the local hospital & ambulance service. The respiratory therapist wanted me to train for that job, so I did. Why not? Steady job & something to do. Decided to get married, so moved & went to work as a respiratory therapist here.
5. Hated hospital politics & 12 hour shifts. Husband said it was obvious that I was unhappy, so I should quit. What would I do without a job? He said he didn't know or care, but he wanted me to quit. I remembered my interest in drafting & went to a different branch of the tech school mentioned above & got a drafting certificate. After a little experience on different short term jobs, then 2 years of not being able to find a job, I started my own business. 2 weeks later I signed a contract & have been on this contract for over 7 years.

Now... Who do I tag? Stay tuned & I'll let you know.