It is my goal to share any ideas that will make using Raster Design easier & more productive.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Options - shift + left click

Have you ever loaded Raster design only to discover your shift+left click no longer works? If so, you can change that by going to the Raster Design Options box. The Mouse Settings in the User Preferences tab will take care of it. The advantage to having that little box checked is that you can select an image from inside the image frame, without zooming out, so it's a trade-off. I hope Autodesk will make a keyboard shortcut to make it easier to toggle this setting on & off since I change that setting frequently for different projects. If it happens, I'll post an update.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am using Acad 2000 with Architectural Desktop 3.3.

Where do I find this "Raster Design Options Box"? I am not seeing it in any pull-down menus.


10:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, that little blog was a big help. I had been trying to figure that out on and off all day today.

3:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANKS! Fanatastic. Raster Design works again.But I have spent two hours to find this help. I will write more werbs to help google to find tis TIP easier: Autocad Raster Design shift do not work, is inactive.

5:47 AM


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